Foundation Trustees
Meet Our Foundation Trustees
The members of the Women's University Club Foundation Board of Trustees:
- bring professional experience in the fields of business, education, government, psychology and health
- have served on multiple community boards in leadership roles
- have been members of the Women’s University Club Board of Trustees
- bring a sense of brio to community service
The Foundation Board consists of six Trustees, each serving on one of three councils, and three additional trustees who serve as Foundation Officers. All trustees and officers oversee the operation of the entire Foundation with rotating three-year terms starting in October.
Foundation Executive Officers
Laurie Hornor, Executive Chair
- Life-long Seattle area resident
- Whitman College, B.A. Political Science
- Commercial Banker; recently retired and quickly getting used to it
- Aqua Zumba enthusiast: you’ll find me in the outdoor pool year ‘round
- Pretty good cook; always game to modify a recipe or to try a new one
- Music Counts! Committee member
- Past WUC Marketing Trustee

Candy Bretschneider, Executive Treasurer
- Born and raised in Crescent City; a small, coastal northern California town located just south of the Oregon border. Surrounded by majestic coast redwoods (sequoia sempervirens) and forty miles of rugged coastline. In 1964, the 9.2 Alaska earthquake generated a tsunami that inundated Crescent City during the middle of the night, destroying much of the downtown and the harbor, as well as my family’s business.
- Graduate of Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA with BA in Business Administration and MBA from Golden Gate University.
- Served as WUC Treasurer 2020-2022.
- Member of WUCF High School Scholarship Committee.
- Happily, retired after many years working in the field of International Logistics and Global Trade, an exciting career that took me around the world managing complex global logistics networks for Microsoft, Nordstrom, T-Mobile, and Terex.
- Enjoy personal travel to remote and faraway places. I am most passionate about exploring the wonders of Egypt, having returned for the sixth time earlier this year.
- Keeping up with the interests and achievements of four active teenagers and young adult grandchildren brings much joy and travel to watch their exciting soccer, water polo and crew racing sporting events.

Trish Early, Executive Secretary
- Newcomer to Seattle
- Education — BA/ American Studies, Goucher College; MA/ History, U. Of Pittsburgh
- Lifelong History Enthusiast — Teacher, Museum Professional, Writer
- Current Chair — WUC History and Traditions Committee
- Reviewer — WUCF High School Scholarship Applications
- Project Manager — THE RED BRICK BUILDING at Sixth and Spring
- Constant Reader — Serial Knitter — Aspiring Painter
Community Education & Outreach Council (CE&O)
Sheryl Anderson-Moore, Trustee
- Retired labor relations attorney with a passion for the work
- Enjoy mentoring future leaders
- Music Counts committee member
- Program chair for Naturalist Notebook and Birding Outings
- Love the outdoors, hiking, travel and cooking
Sandra (Sandy) Piscitello, Trustee
- Graduated from University of Washington School of Nursing.
- Enjoyed a fulfilling career at University of Washington Medical Center, mostly in management.
- Retired in 2002 after 30 years and joined the Women’s University Club and AM Book Discussion to celebrate.
- Enjoyed making lasting friendships while Communication Arts Trustee from 2010-2013.
- From 2016-2019 served as CE&O Trustee for the Foundation. During this time came to appreciate the joy of
working with the Music Counts! Committee and the challenges and rewards of working with community partners to
bring the I Am Jane Doe and The Secret Life of Muslims programs to the public. - I am an active member of AM Book Discussion and Quilting Workshop.
- I think my best life is as Luka’s Nonna. There is nothing like a thirteen-year-old boy to keep a grandmother
delighted and challenged. - I still make plenty of time for reading and meeting friends for lunch and walks.
Historic Landmark Preservation Council (HLP)
Lynn Elmore, Trustee
- Studied history at the University of Washington
- Worked in administrative positions in Teacher Education programs at Michigan State University and the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University
- WUC Dining Room Trustee
- Love to walk, enjoy reading mysteries and love water exercise
- Washington State Apple Blossom Queen in 1964
Scholarship Awards Council (SA)
Sue Yang, Trustee
- Ph.D degree in Sociology from Ohio State University
- Began career in academic area then transformed to biotech industry
- Worked in biopharmaceutical companies for decades in the area of marketing
- Moved to Seattle in 2018 from Northern California and love the city very much
- Enjoys traveling, music, reading and going to movies, symphony, concerts, shows and time with families and friends
Irene Peters, Trustee
- WUC Member since 2002
- Co-Chair Book Review and Recommendation (Book R & R) 2023-Current
- Foundation HS Scholarship Committee Member 2021-Current
- Literature Trustee 2021-23
- Retired MN, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Geriatrics & Palliative Care
- 3rd Generation Montanan
- Seattle as home since 1978
- Enjoy reading (includes Banned Books), gardening, skiing, road trips, friends, and family