Public Programs
Events sponsored by the Community Education and Outreach Council of the Women’s University Club Foundation are free and open to the publics as part of the WUCF outreach to our broader community. (To ensure that attendance does not exceed the capacity of our venue, we require that you register for events. Directions for registering are below.)
Upcoming in 2021:
Events being Rescheduled from Fall 2020—Dates in 2021 TBD
Seattle Womens’s Jazz Orchestra As part of the Earshot Jazz Festival, the famous Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra (SWOJO) will bring their 8th Annual Composition Contest for Women Composers to the WUC Ballroom, featuring special guest trumpeter, Tanya Darby. Join us at 6:15 PM for a no-host bar; program at 7:30 PM. Bring your friends! Complimentary program offered as a gift to our community by the WUC Foundation. As soon as a new date can be set, tickets will be available through SWJO,
Double Delight Piano Concert This duo piano concert features WUC member Shelley Dreyer-Green and WUC favorite performer Judith Cohen. The WUC Foundation offers this unique concert as a gift to our members and friends. You will thrill to the great sound of two grand pianos with two captivating pianists playing on our stage.
Previous Events:

On July 24, 2019, the Community Education & Outreach Council partnered with the Rotary Club of Seattle and others to present select segments of “The Secret Lives of Muslims,” Season Two—a documentary that uses humor and empathy to subvert stereotypes and reveal the truth about the experiences of American Muslims.
L to R: Rais Bhulyan, Aneela Afzzali, Richard McKinney, Joshua Seftel
credit @kristawelchphoto

On September 22, 2019, the third Ellen Stewart Blom Memorial Arts Lecture Series lecture was presented by Lynda V. Mapes, Science and Environment reporter for The Seattle Times, and author of several books, most recently Witness Tree: Seasons of Change with a Century-Old Oak.
The Community Education & Outreach Council partnered with the Rotary Club of Seattle to sponsor a screening of “I Am Jane Doe”—a documentary film highlighting the fight against sex trafficking in America. (Learn more at
The second Ellen Stewart Blom Memorial Arts Lecture Series lecture featured Jim Lynch, novelist, whose most recent book was Truth Like the Sun (2012).

The first Ellen Stewart Blom Memorial Arts Lecture Series lecture was presented by Phil Borges, social documentary photographer and filmmaker, whose recent works included Crazywise and Stirring the Fire: A Global Movement to Empower Women and Girls.